Initial Research Pathway


  • We read an article on the raked wingtips of the Boeing 787.
  • We did ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot generative searches to read a summary of the topic. We prompted the gAIs "Describe the raked wingtips of the Boeing 787" and took down the results.
  • We compared the different results and selected the ChatGPT result as it was more in-depth.
  • We compiled the findings into a Google Docs file for collaborative work.
  • We searched for research articles on Google Scholar to further delve into the subject matter.
    • These research articles were comparative papers between conventional winglets and raked wingtips.
    • We also found a paper analysing the aerodynamic effect wingtip devices had to support the summary when writing the assignment.

Edited: 03/10/24.


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